Dutschke Wines News

25th Anniversary

Ken and I squashed grapes for our first wine from Ken’s St Jakobi vineyard in 1990, and it was at smoko time during this year’s Vintage that Craig Butcher our Vintage casual reminded us of this, and calculated that 2014 was our 25th harvest. Wow! My, how life flies by! What better way is there to spend 25 years? A lot has happened during this time and we’ve enjoyed it immensely. Thank you all for finding our wine over the years and for your support, allowing us to make this our life.

Business continues to be steady here on the hill. Again this year we’ve found there to be a steady flow of wine out the door. Stocks of only three of our 2012 reds remain. Those we do still have stock of are 2012 GHR Shiraz, 2012 Jackson Cabernet Shiraz and 2012 Oscar Semmler Shiraz.

Although in The Shed we are sold out of the 2012 Sami Cabernet, 2012 St. Jakobi Shiraz and 2012 80 Block Merlot, we imagine you will still be able to find a few bottles at your local bottle shop. Let us know if you need help finding some and we can send you in the right direction. We have also just bottled the 2013 80 Block Merlot which is now available from The Shed and of course there’s our range of fortifieds.